1. A great leader is a pioneer, sometimes in a lonely place; but a pioneer can build a community, and communities are enduring
  2. Leaders don’t create followers; they create other leaders
  3. Trust is not transferable. It is hard to earn and easily to lose.
  4. Mutual respect is the foundation for good coaching.
  5. There is no prosthetic for loss of motivation in your team
  6. Listening (not waiting to speak) is powerful
  7. Repetition matters. Repetition matters.
  8. When you ask someone to do something, helping him or her to understand the why is more powerful than just explaining the what.
  9. People are not only or primarily motivated by money. Recognition and winning are often equally or more important.
  10. The only way we can realize the worth of our own opinions is by valuing the opinions of others.
  11. Strategy without execution is hallucination.
  12. Gartner’s Magic Quadrant isn’t in fact “magic.”

I’m sure there are many other things that I missed.  What do you think?

If you want to read more of my blogs please subscribe to Think for a Living blog. Follow me on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn. I want you to agree or disagree with me, but most of all: I want you to bring passion to the conversation.

Donal Daly is Executive Chairman of Altify having founded the company in 2005. He is author of numerous books and ebooks including the Amazon #1 Best-sellers Account Planning in Salesforce and Tomorrow | Today: How AI Impacts How We Work, Live, and Think. Altify is Donal’s fifth global business enterprise.